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Interesting Facts To Know About Prehistoric Insect Fossils

The unique thing that enhanced the interest of many paleontologists and made them study the prehistoric origin of insects is that they don't have bones. Therefore, making it difficult for experts to unearth their unexisting skeletons millions of years later. But, the same thing is what piqued the attention of most individuals since they always wondered how scientists came to know about insect fossils without bones or fossils to study. Fortunately, they found their answer in the abundant evidence that different insect fossils described. 

amber insect fossil

Physical Shreds of Evidence of Different Types of Insect Fossils

If you have always been interested in insects and their unique and enticing fossils, here are some facts and physical evidence listed by experts and paleontologists about insect fossils you might find insightful.

  1. Preserved Insects In Ancient Tree Resin or Trace Fossils

Many of the studies about prehistoric insect fossils were derived from ancient tree resin or amber. The sticky substances in tree resin often trap the insects, therefore offering paleontologists a way to study them. When insects landed on the weeping resin, they quickly got entrapped in it. Hence, insects who wandered near wooded areas in their past got encased in resins or ambers and let them preserve their bodies. Besides, insects' behavior and geological time periods were tracked by studying the trace fossils and their other abundant fossil evidence. Many also extracted insect fossils from the hardened minerals. 

  1. Durable Parts of Insects Were Found in Impression Molds

While the impression of fossils helped paleontologists discover the origin of their most durable parts, the majority included the hard sclerites, wings, and other common characteristics of the prehistoric insects. The impressions clearly described the detailed wings of insect fossils and helped experts to differentiate between the different organisms or even segment their families or orders. Predators or birds who fed on certain insects often left behind their indigestible organisms, primarily the wings, to decay. Experts could discover the cuticles or the wings carved or etched in stone. 

  1. Compression Fossils

Many prehistoric insects got stuck beneath the layers of sedimentary rocks and were physically compressed. Such compressions included the fossilized organism, organic matter, and organic residues. Compressions offered paleontologists extraordinary details and helped them study their body decays in abundance. They dated back to the Carboniferous period and made it more straightforward and hassle-free for expert paleontologists to discover and explore the chitinous components, including a beetle's hard wing covers and other insect's cuticles. Hence, scientists were always mindful of the origin and knew how to buy real fossils at affordable rates.

Find Your One Stop Online Affordable Fossil Store!

If you are tired of searching for the perfect one-stop fossil store that offers all types of insect fossils or other pterosaur teeth for sale, contact Fossil Age Minerals. Our abundant and authentic collection of fossils is what makes different customers from around the world get in touch with us and buy our genuine and top-notch fossils. You can contact us to learn more about some compelling and interesting facts about different fossils. 

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